Welcome to The Lucky Crow!

Discover the joys of self-sufficiency, nature, and country living.

First of all


At The Lucky Crow, we believe in the power of self-sufficiency. We share our tips and tricks for living off the land and being more connected to nature.

Not to mention


We are passionate about nature and all its wonders. We share stories, photographs, and advice on how to appreciate and protect our environment.

And let's not forget

Country Living

We believe that country living is a lifestyle to be cherished. We will provide resources and tips for creating a home in the country and living a fulfilling life.

About us

The Lucky Crow is a blog that focuses on self-sufficiency, nature, and country living. We are passionate about living off the land and creating a more sustainable lifestyle. We are a small family-owned business that sells jewelry and other merchandise inspired by the beauty of nature. We hope to inspire others to be more connected to nature and to enjoy the joys of country living.

Join us on our journey as we explore self-sufficiency, nature, and country living.

Get in touch